Open a resale or consignment store that works for you in your town




At Next Level Resale, we know everyone is on their own path.  We don't believe in doing "what everyone else is doing" or doing it because that's how we did it.  We will tell you not to follow the pack, but to stand for who you and your store are.  Unique.  One of a Kind.  Yours. 

  • Create processes for how your store runs

  • Plan promotions and events for what you want to focus on for your customers

  • Use your financials to write your story.

Scrolling through social media, we’ve noticed more and more posts from store owners like you, sharing the frustrations and challenges of running a resale or consignment shop.  And it got us thinking and realizing even more how important it is to have a place for you to go to get help. 




At Next Level Resale, we know your business isn’t like the one down the street, across town or even across the country.  Your business is unique because it sits at the heart of YOUR community.

As we’ve worked with clients from all over, and being in the industry ourselves, we understand the struggles, the frustration and the overwhelm that comes with the business.  We’ve been there – right in the thick of it and crying under the counter. 

But, at some point the shift happens…the tipping point.  The time when the decision is made to ask for help.  But not just any help…it’s the kind that believes in listening to the store owners and developing a path for the individual store instead of a cookie cutter process.  We understand the limits of employees, resources and money.  So, we help you work outside of the box and inside the four walls of your business.


Understand Your Store - Not Anyone Else’s

At Next Level Resale, we believe that every store has its own unique path. We're not here to make your store a copy of someone else’s. Instead, we work with you to uncover what works best for your business, your customers, and your team.

  • Financial Insights

We’ll help you understand your store’s financials so you can make informed, data-driven decisions that guide your future.

  • Marketing Strategies

Our team helps you develop targeted marketing plans that connect with your consignors and shoppers in meaningful ways.

  • Inventory Control

We create systems to streamline your inventory and help ensure you have the right products at the right time to hit your sales goals.

  • Operational Excellence

By improving your store’s policies and procedures, we help you deliver exceptional customer service while making your operations more efficient.

Over the years we have worked with numerous store owners who want us to just "do what we did" to have success.  But that's not us.  We want you to find your own way - what you want for your store, your customers and your team. Because what works for us, doesn't mean it will work for you.

Each store is stand-alone.  Meaning while you belong to a community of other store owners, you have to build your store from the foundation up to really work and do what's best for you.  

AND, you have to stop listening and watching the "Instagram-Story" of other businesses.  

That's where we help you go to the Next Level in Resale. That's how we help you build a team, a store and a life of excellence.

When you work with us, we ask A LOT of questions to really understand your business and where it is today in order to grow to the future.  Because if we don't know where you are right now, we can't get you to where you want to be. 





Financial analytics through the running of the right reports and looking at the numbers to make data-driven decisions


Marketing plans and strategies that fill the gaps in for reaching your consignors/ suppliers and shoppers


Inventory control systems that work the best for your store's needs so you have what you need to hit your sales goals


Policies & procedures to help streamline your resale store to run efficiently and provide the best  customer service


At Next Level Resale, we know you work incredibly hard day in and day out.  And we absolutely know you don’t have to do it alone.  We’re here to help you turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s success.  

It can be scary asking for help.  If you’re ready to take that brave step and reach out, fill out the form below and let’s talk.  Even if you aren’t ready today, that’s ok.  Just know we are here and rooting for you!  All day…every day.

Go out and make today AHmazing!

Angie & Neil

Help Is What We Do

With 50+ years of combined training, in-store operations, and insights, our goal is for you to run a successful consignment or resale store. 

We take the time to get to know you and your business to help build strategic plans to help you become a more profitable business.  You work too hard to not make any money.

Asking for help can be one of the hardest things to do.  That's why we're here.  That's what we do.  Reach out to us today so you can feel better about tomorrow. 

Have Questions?  We Can Help.